An infographic with details on how to register for kindergarten.

Principal's Message - February 2024

It’s I Love To Read Month and the theme this year is Camp Read S’More! as you have seen on the February calendar. There are many events to look forward to this month such as dress up days, Flashlight Friday, guest readers, and story telling sessions with Leigh-Anne Kehler!  Students are enthusiastically reading, getting “Caught Reading” tickets, and entering them into a draw for various camping related prizes that will be drawn at the end of the month! I’m always grateful for the staff who plan, set up, decorate and encourage the I Love To Read activities throughout the month.  The payoff is shown in the extra enthusiasm by all students about reading!

On February 15, we will once again have a literacy evening, after not having one for a few years.  This year we will be visited by the Country Princesses! Beauty, Cinder and Tower, and Prince Tower who will be guest readers, play games and be available for pictures.  See the poster in the newsletter for more details.

Folders have been prepared for students to use for their personal reading challenge during I Love To Read month, making it easy for students to record books and pages.  These folders can be used at home and at school, and each student has made an achievable reading goal, with support and input from their teacher.   Students who meet their challenge will receive a $10 coupon to use towards our Scholastic Book Fair during the week of 3 Way Conferences, April 17-19.   My hope is that every student will meet their goal and earn a coupon to use at the book fair.

- Barb Rempel, Principal

What's New

Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025

If your child was born in 2019, you can  CLICK HERE for online registration or register in person at the school. Please contact the school with any questions or for more information. 

Enrollment Requirements:
-Will your child be five years old this year (born in 2019)?
-Childs birth certificate (bring a copy to the school)
-Childs Manitoba medical number and any important medical information
-Custody or guardianship documents/court documents (if applicable)
-Proof of residence or confirmation of permanent residence

Josie Hartin, Elder from Roseau River Anishinaabe First Nation, visited our school to share her mother's story of attending residential school. The Orange Bench also came to our school for a few days and was a place where students and staff could sit, read the story and reflect.

students sitting on an orange bench

A Playground Communication Board has been installed on the playground. Funding was made possible by the Manitoba Accessibility Fund. The boards have pictures on them that can be used to communicate with by pointing to the picture(s). This is useful for a child who is learning to speak, learning English, and or having a hard time finding the words they want. It can also be useful to plan what to do next. The bottom row of pictures also has some problem solving words and ideas.

Students standing beside the playground communication board

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Border Land School Division

Border Land School Division acknowledges that the communities and schools located within Border Land School Division sit on Treaty 1 and Treaty 3 land, the original lands of the Anishinaabe peoples and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Border Land School Division respects the treaties that were made on these treaty areas and we dedicate ourselves to moving forward in partnership with our Indigenous communities in a spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.